Franklin Pierce: A Glimpse into the Life of the Fourteenth President

Franklin Pierce: A Glimpse into the Life of the Fourteenth President

In the annals of American history, Franklin Pierce, the fourteenth President of the United States, holds a unique position. His tenure, often overshadowed by his more illustrious predecessors and successors, provides an intriguing study into the complexities of leadership during a tumultuous period. As you delve into this exploration of Pierce’s life and presidency, it’s essential to consider the intricate tapestry of political, social, and personal factors that shaped his legacy.

 Franklin Pierce The Fourteenth President
Note: This article is an overview and not a comprehensive account of Franklin Pierce's life and presidency. It aims to provide a general understanding of American history.

Early Life and Ascendancy to Politics

Born on November 23, 1804, in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, Franklin Pierce embarked on a life journey marked by early tragedy and rapid ascent.

The loss of his siblings during his youth cast a long shadow over his formative years, yet Pierce exhibited remarkable resilience. His education at Bowdoin College, where he formed lifelong friendships, including one with Nathaniel Hawthorne, laid the foundation for his intellectual development.

Pierce’s foray into politics was marked by a swift rise. From his initial steps as a member of the New Hampshire Legislature to his election as the state’s youngest Speaker, Pierce demonstrated a knack for leadership and a keen understanding of the political landscape.

His subsequent service in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate further cemented his reputation as a capable and charismatic figure.

A Complex Figure in American History

Franklin Pierce had no thought of ever becoming President; he had retired from the Senate, and he and his wife Jane wanted nothing more of Washington. However, the Democratic convention wanted Pierce to be their next candidate for President.

In the 1852 Campaign, Franklin Pierce was the Democratic nominee, and the Whig party had Winfield Scott. The Whig Party did not want anything else to do with Milliard Fillmore due to his signing of the Fugitive Slave Act. Franklin Pierce had the backing of all of the United Democratic Party, and the Whig party was divided, so Franklin Pierce easily won the Election of 1852, becoming the fourteenth President of the United States of America.

Franklin Pierce had his job cut out for him. The North was still upset about the Fugitive Slave Act, and the South was upset with the North for helping the slaves that they thought were runaways.

Pierce knew he had to be subtle with the dealings between the North and the South. He knew a Civil War was on the rise and was trying everything to disband the thought.

In Pierces term he had land acquisitions taking place. The Gadsden Purchase happened which allowed the United States to buy what is now Arizona and New Mexico from Mexico.

Pierce also had the Railroad issue to contend with; the railroad was becoming transcontinental. The North wanted it to go through their states, and the Southern states wanted it to go through their territory.

The southern states decided to announce they would not support a railroad that ran through a territory that did not allow slavery.

Senator Stephen Douglas, who wanted the railroad to go through the northern route so it would go through his state of Illinois, suggested a compromise that became the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This would allow Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether they wanted to promote slavery or not.

This was not good at all because it became violent, the Northerners wanted Kansas, and the South wanted Kansas to take part in slavery.

This was not good for Franklin Pierce; the country had lost trust in him. When the Campaign of 1856 came around, the people made it clear they wanted someone new. The Democrats decided to replace Pierce as their candidate with James Buchanan. This was good for Pierce; he had decided he no longer wanted anything to do with being President.

A Tenure Marked by Controversy and Conflict

Franklin Pierce’s presidency, spanning from 1853 to 1857, unfolded against the backdrop of increasing tensions between the North and the South. His administration’s policies, particularly concerning the expansion of slavery, sparked significant controversy.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, a pivotal piece of legislation during Pierce’s tenure, epitomized the contentious nature of his presidency. This act, which effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise, allowed for the possibility of slavery in territories where it had previously been outlawed. The resultant “Bleeding Kansas” crisis, marked by violent conflicts over the slavery issue, underscored the deep divisions within the country.

Pierce’s foreign policy initiatives, such as the Ostend Manifesto, which sought to acquire Cuba from Spain, and his efforts to expand American influence, were equally contentious. While these endeavors reflected the expansionist spirit of the era, they also attracted criticism and heightened sectional tensions.

In reflecting on the life and presidency of Franklin Pierce, one is compelled to consider the intricate interplay of personal, political, and historical forces that shape leadership. Pierce’s tenure, set against a backdrop of a nation grappling with its identity and future, offers a poignant study of the complexities of presidential leadership. While his presidency may not occupy the most illustrious chapters in American history, Franklin Pierce’s story remains an integral part of understanding the nation’s journey through a pivotal era.

Nancy Vawter
Nancy Vawter

Nancy Vawter has been a reporter and writer since shortly after her graduation from the University of Arizona. She spent seven years with the New York Post, working as a national feature writer in New York. She later taught journalism as an assistant professor at American University in Washington.